Monday, 12 November 2012


Hay for sale in Shropshire. Very good quality this year (2012). Cut young in the only dry spell we had. Hence excellent green hay.
We can deliver any where in Shropshire, price will depend on quantity. Give me a ring on 07814436960, or 01952 245978 .
Or phone our shop on 01743 463157 and ask to speak to Richard.
The current price is £3.50 per bale.
Excellent Horse Hay bales.

Location The Farm, Long Lane ,North Telford, TF6 6HD
Sorry but you need to ring me so I can be there. 07814436960 or email me

Hay making
Hay is made from dried grass. Normally grass is cut, and left to dry in the field. To make the best quality the farmer will cut the grass before the grass plant has started to flower. This means it is a young plant rich in protein, and lower in cellulose so it is more easy to digest. The farmer will try to syncronise the cutting of the grass with a good spell of settled sunny weather, as this will aid the grass to dry faster. Once cut the grass is turned with a special grass turning machine (haybob). Often this is done two of three times, and then the grass is gathered up into rows, and once dry enough, it is baled up as hay. The Hay bales then have to be gathered up and stored under cover, until the farmer wants to feed them to his animals in the winter. Hay can vary enormously in quality, normally due to weather factors. Yields can also vary but this is determinded by soil type, crop nutrition, and how late it is grazed before mowing.
Small square bales are prefered as they are easier to handle if being sold for horse feed. Whilst farmers prefer large square bales or round bales, for their own livestock as this minimses the work of handling, storing and feeding the hay.
We currently have just the small square bales for sale.
We haven't cut the 2013 season yet, the ground has been grazed by sheep, so the grass will be young and nutritious. Fingers crossed for some good weather.